Raw material for superabsorbent polymers
Acrylic acid is the main raw material for the production of superabsorbent polymers. Evonik produces acrylic acid in Marl (Germany) since 1991. Over the years the production plant has expanded to become one of the largest in the world.
Evonik's Marl acrylic acid production facilities and quality management systems are all certified under DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 14001 as well as the environmental EMAS and worker safety standard BS:OHSAS 18001.
As a readily reactive monomer acrylic acid serves as an intermediate for numerous polymers and compounds.
Acrylic acid is the raw material for products such as polyacrylic acids, plastics, coatings, adhesives and synthetic resins. Depending on the molecular weight and degree of cross-linking acrylic acid can also be used in applications such as flocculants, thickeners and wetting agents. In addition, acrylic acid can be co-polymerized with various monomers such as styrene, butadiene and vinyl acetate.
The world-wide consumption of acrylic acid has increased in the past years. Much of this increase can be attributed to the production of superabsorbents for the personal care industry. Superabsorbents consume approximately thirty percent of the acrylic acid produced.
By far the largest application for acrylic acid is in acrylic esters, which combined consume about fifty percent of the total acrylic acid produced. The most produced acrylic ester is butyl acrylate, followed by ethyl acrylate, 2- ethylhexyl acrylate and methyl acrylate.
The oxidation process used at Evonik's Marl site is presently the most common method for manufacturing acrylic acid.
In this catalytic process that only requires gas phase propylene and air, the propylene reacts with oxygen to form acrolein and then acrylic acid. The acrylic acid is then purified through distillation steps to produce glacial acrylic acid.
Quality and Environment
An integrated and process oriented management system was developed to facilitate and continuously improve the EHSQ requirements within production, engineering, commercial services and supply chain.
As a world leading acrylic acid supplier Evonik guarantees high standards in quality and dependability. A DIN EN ISO 9001 certified quality management system facilitates these efforts.
Evonik pursues environmental protection as a corporate goal. A DIN EN 14001 and EMAS certified environmental management system provides the tools to achieve this goal.
Ensuring a safe and healthy work environment within the acrylic acid facilities is also a corporate priority. In October 2008, the management system was the first within Evonik to obtain BS:OHSAS 18001 certification.
Evonik is a member of the “REACH Acrylate Task Force”, a consortium comprising global acrylic acid and acrylate producers. Evonik is the “Lead Registrant” and “SIEF Facilitator” of this Task Force that coordinates REACH-related activities.
Technical Data
Evonik manufactures and delivers high quality acrylic acid, guaranteed through a DIN EN ISO 9001 certified quality management system.
Evonik customers receive not only order-specific quality reports but also periodic statistical quality data. For additional information or a laboratory sample please contact us.